The Church shop is situated at the Administration Office in Southfield, Cape Town. The products available covers all the strategic materials for use by the Church members, i.e. Bibles, Hymnals, Church choir books for adults and children, as well as music instruments and CD’s/DVD’s  (See separate schedule for more details) .
The aforementioned products may be purchased direct from the Church shop or ordered via the applicable Order Form.

Please Note the following:
  • The cost of delivery is dependant on various factors and therefore delivery fees will vary.
  • EFT payments - Please forward your proof of payment along with your order to Online payments are available via our secure third party payment gateway PayGate.
  • There is 5kg weight limit for Courier deliveries and 3kg limit for Post Office deliveries. Should an order exceed the weight limit, you may choose to collect your order at our premises. Alternatively, you could split your order and use the standard shipping options available to orders below the weight limit.